The book of Hosea tells us only a small part of Gomer and Hosea’s story. It seems to finish abruptly, switching to the story of God and Israel, and in the process leaving us with so many questions – Was Gomer able to receive and settle into the love that Hosea had for her? Was she able to walk away from her casual lovers once and for all and enter into the intimacy of the committed faithful love Hosea offered? Did the protective walls around her heart crumble to allow love to penetrate into her heart?
Or, did she continue to live out her life, desperate for love but unable to receive it?
I don’t know the answers, but I like to believe we have been given this clue –
The naming of people was intentional in Old Testament times. Their meanings often represented the circumstances of the time they were born into, of particular events in the life of the one who named them, and often prophetical, where the person lived into the meaning of the name they were given.
The name Gomer means complete.
One scholar I read, says this of her, she was “…a notorious common strumpet…so called, because of her consummate [complete] beauty, and her being completely mistress of all the tricks of one; or, being consummately [completely] wicked, a perfect [complete] whore, common to all” (Gill’s Exposition of the Bible). Many suggest that her name represented the completeness of Israel’s wickedness in turning from God. Or the completion of God’s dealing with Israel that finally leads to the end of their idolatry.
I find her name significant for another reason, and because of who God is, not at all coincidental –
I think of the character of God, “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion…” Philippians 1:6. This is and has been God’s purpose since the fall of humankind. It speaks about who God is as faithful, trustworthy and committed to the return of His loved ones ever since they were stolen from Him. He is relentless in His pursuit of humanity bringing completion to His work, being true to His character, fulfilling His purposes, redeeming those whom He loves, restoring the relationship that was lost.
And I think of His name: God is Love. He is perfect love. The word ‘perfect’ means excellent or complete beyond improvement. Nothing can be added to make something that is already perfect, perfect. The love He has is all that is needed for humanity’s redemption from sin and its complete ruin of us.
I like to think in Gomer’s story, that she did find herself filled [complete] with the fullness [completeness] of God’s love Ephesians 3:19b, expressed to her through God’s chosen man, Hosea. Filled with all that God is and had available for her, through Hosea. Filled up with His love – satisfied, rooted, established in love. Not needing to look anywhere else for the love she so desperately needed. Completed with all that love is able to do within her. Healed by love. Living in the love of God from where He first created her Ephesians 1:4.
This glimpse into the name of Gomer is hope: that God is being true to His promise, working on the inside of me, working on the inside of my girlfriends, deep in our hearts, leading us to love, bringing us to completion. He is not done yet with us. He is still at work. He is faithful to complete what He has started.
I fell in love with the girls in my world. God united me with them out of His desire for them to know His love. I have been privileged with their love and friendship. They have shaped me more than they know. Taught me about the love of God. The journey to help them helped me. It changed me. Many of my own personal beliefs and protective walls have had to be challenged and torn down in order for me to enter into the unlimited, incomprehensible, unsurpassable love of God
52 entries of my journey have made it here to this Blog over the past 52 weeks. Each week, God has re-challenged me, and stretched and grown me into what has been the greatest journey to undertake – this journey into love. As the result, I am in-Love and out of it I will not go! (C.S. Lewis). I have found love that is safe and for me. That will never disappoint, and that will deeply satisfy. What I have discovered is so great, and yet I have only just left the shore to enter its depths.
I can’t wait to meet my girlfriends on the other side – so in-Love that their hearts burst! Where the pain they have carried fades into nothingness, and the love they enter just…well, there are no words…
To my girlfriends: you know who you are. Thank you. I love you!
To my readers, as you have been on this journey with me, reading my words, I hope they have helped you to enter deeper into love, as they have done for me. May you know deep within that you are so loved, and that this love will continue to work in you until you too are complete, loved beyond measure. In the most non-cliché way I can say it, “God. Loves. You!”

Post Script: Though this is the last of my weekly blogs focused on the incredible journey into God’s love, I hope you will continue to watch out for a more random (no longer weekly) blogging of my faith journey as it continues in the future, and always into Love.