faith Hosea love perfect love religious Spirituality women

Solid and Sandy

A legalistic upbringing made her feel caged in.  “It’s my body, my life. I can do as I want.” Told, “I wish you were never born”.  “I am unwanted.” Abandoned. Left.  “I am scared of being alone. I have to be with someone.” Sidelined while they fought their battles.  “I mustn’t deserve love.” An alcoholic […]

faith love perfect love religious Spirituality

Were you there?

How does one deal with the events of 15.3.19?  If I were atheist, I could just blame the evil of man. And it would be as simple as that. But I am Christian – one who believes in both the Sovereignty and Perfect Love of God. Sovereignty and Love struggle to mesh in my head […]

faith love perfect love religious Spirituality women


From childhood, we take in things around us, what we see, hear, know, sense and feel about something, and through the continual experimental exploration of our surroundings, we formulate a picture which becomes stored in our memory bank which then allows us to knowingly interact with our world. With God, we do the same – we […]