faith love perfect love religious Spirituality women

Oh Eve!

Eve, we live with a curse far beyond what you could ever have anticipated. You never once thought that eating the fruit could cause anything other than good. You did not know what a curse was. You did not know evil. You would never have chosen what came. What you anticipated was more. More good. You only […]

faith love perfect love religious Spirituality women

When will enough be enough?

Ugh! Pleasing to the eye (Blog #Oh Eve!) is unrelenting, believed and battled since Eve. Oh, how humanity’s generations since have suffered! We all have our own story. Sarah was asked by her husband Abraham, to pose as his sister because he was afraid that he would be killed for her, she was “a beautiful woman” (Genesis 12:10-13, […]

faith love perfect love religious Spirituality

I wish I never had you…

In one of her darkest moments, she shared her pain, words spoken that have steered the course of her life, “I wish I never had you!” She was conceived in a time of broken painful relationship between her mother and father. Her birth was not looked forward to or desired. Rather, it meant more hardship […]

faith Hosea love perfect love religious Spirituality women

Solid and Sandy

A legalistic upbringing made her feel caged in.  “It’s my body, my life. I can do as I want.” Told, “I wish you were never born”.  “I am unwanted.” Abandoned. Left.  “I am scared of being alone. I have to be with someone.” Sidelined while they fought their battles.  “I mustn’t deserve love.” An alcoholic […]

faith Hosea love perfect love religious Spirituality

So, love…

Cognitive neuroscientists tell us that our brains are wired for love, meaning we are designed to function best emotionally and mentally in the safe environment of love (Dr. Caroline Leaf). When we have a bad experience of love, when emotional security is threatened or absent, and we face difficult circumstances, our emotions and thoughts spin out of […]

faith Hosea love perfect love religious Spirituality women

Unable to enabled

Hosea was a prophet of God that loved a prostitute. Her name was Gomer. His love was perfect for her. It was love her as the Lord loves kind of love, and though she kept going back to her old way of life, and her old lovers, the love he had for her lacked nothing, could […]

faith love perfect love religious Spirituality

All you need is love

The famous Beatles song, All You Need Is Love, has the kind of lyrics and beat that whenever I hear it, it gets stuck in my head. I really only know the chorus,  All you need is love, all you need is love, all you need is love, love, love is all you need. There […]

faith love perfect love religious Spirituality women


Power, riches, knowledge– all things we may think of and desire if we were offered a world without limits. This is at least what we have come to believe is desirable, and what is portrayed in our world.  I recently watched a movie called Limitless. Eddie (Bradley Cooper) is given a drug that enhances his mind, which opens […]

faith love perfect love religious Spirituality


I am homesick for a place I am not sure even exists. One where my heart is full. My body loved. And my soul understood. Melissa Cox My life was a wandering; I never had a homeland. It was a matter of being constantly tossed about, without rest; nowhere and never did I find a […]

faith Hosea love perfect love religious Spirituality women

Tumbleweed love…

Hosea, the story from where this Blog all started, was asked to love a girl – a prostitute – ruined and hurt by love, and he did, he loved her. Though loved with a deep and perfect love, this girl kept going back to her other lovers. She was so uncomfortable and wary of a Hosea […]