faith Hosea love perfect love religious Spirituality

You do go on…

To do anything but tell this story as it is, would be to downplay the extent of offense You, God, feel from Israel’s rejection of You. Much of what You say here, is for an R-rated audience. You don’t hold back from the degradation of it all. You say it as it is. I feel […]

faith Hosea love perfect love religious Spirituality


  def –An intervening space that comes between two parts. A short dramatic piece, especially of a light or farcical character, formerly introduced between the parts or acts of a play. Not too long ago I found myself upset, frustrated, and out of sorts. I’m not much of one for excessive verbal expression of myself, […]

faith Hosea love perfect love religious Spirituality

Your love is not good enough!

“God, Your love is not good enough!” Man. Buried deep within this story of Hosea, is where Your heart is able to finally and honestly find expression of it’s deepest pain. It comes out amongst all the offense felt. You have said things hard to hear, but true, yet here is revealed the root of Your […]

faith Hosea love perfect love religious Spirituality

Counterfeit lovers…

My friends made me feel good. They made me feel accepted and wanted, that I fitted there, that I belonged. Drinking this, smoking that, wearing this, and being at that were the outward evidences that I was right – I belonged there, with them. But why inwardly, was it so exhausting? Why was there the […]

faith love perfect love religious Spirituality women

Oh Eve!

Eve, we live with a curse far beyond what you could ever have anticipated. You never once thought that eating the fruit could cause anything other than good. You did not know what a curse was. You did not know evil. You would never have chosen what came. What you anticipated was more. More good. You only […]

faith love perfect love religious Spirituality women

I did not understand…

Though grief has changed it shape, it still remains. Things are calmer now. Years have passed…  The memory of losing our first son, well into the second trimester of my pregnancy, continues to this day as guarded treasure stored deep within, in a place that contains no other memory as precious as this. It is […]

faith love perfect love religious Spirituality

Were you there?

How does one deal with the events of 15.3.19?  If I were atheist, I could just blame the evil of man. And it would be as simple as that. But I am Christian – one who believes in both the Sovereignty and Perfect Love of God. Sovereignty and Love struggle to mesh in my head […]

faith love perfect love religious Spirituality


It’s only Day 4 of this Coronavirus lockdown and I’m #*%&@ ! I’d like to use an actual expletive, but my conscience doesn’t sit right with that. It’s how I feel today, and there’s no other way of describing it.  I’ve lost some significant things in my life. Big things!  Actually, I shouldn’t say lost, […]